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  • Single NiFi
    • Change Timezone of EC2 VM
    • Wget NiFi
    • Uncompress NiFi
    • Set Single Login Password 
    • Configuration Change
    • Create Certificate for HTTPS
    • Start NiFi
  • Clustered NiFi
    • Exchange Certificates

간단한 VM Setup에 필요한 자원

  • a stack
  • an image
  • a virtual machine
  • a storage volume
  • a security group
  • a VPC
  • a subnet
  • a routing table
  • an internet gateway
  • an elastic ip address
  • CIDR blocks
  • associations
  • EC2 KeyPair - CloudFormation 전에 KeyPair를 생성해야 함

tackA set of resources provisioned and managed by CloudFormation is referred to as a Stack.
ImageImages (AMI) describe the root volume of a virtual machine. For example they can contain the operating system or application server.
Virtual MachineIt’s basically an artificial computer. It behaves like an actual computer but does not physically exist. It exists and runs on a server.

Virtual Machines come in different sizes (CPU, Memory (RAM) and other hardware components) and can be based on different images.
Storage VolumeA hard drive that is plugged into the virtual machine.
Security GroupSecurity group is a virtual firewall for our set up in AWS. It controls all traffic in and out of segment (VPC) of the AWS cloud.
VPCEvery computer and cloud infrastructure needs networking. To protect our instance in AWS, we create a virtual network, exclusive for our purpose, also called a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
SubnetA subnet defines the range of IP addresses in our VPC
Route TableDefines and determines traffic flow
Internet GatewayInternet Gateways enable communication between our VPC and the internet
Elastic IP AddressAn Elastic IP Address is a static IPv4 address. It can be reused and point to different VPCs.
CIDR blocksCIDR blocks define valid IP address ranges and are needed by Subnets
AssociationsCloudFormation requires associating certain components with each other. For example a Subnet and a Routing Table.
KeyPairAmazon EC2 requires keys for accessing a virtual machine. These ssh keys are referred to as KeyPairs and often the KeyName (name of the key) is required for the creation of virtual machines.


  • Parameters - 입력 정보
  • Mappings- EC2 AMI ID 매핑
  • Resources